3scale APIcast operator hands-on tutorial

In this tutorial, you will be able to deploy new 3Scale APIcast instances using Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform.
APICast is the gateway used by 3Scale. It is possible to implement N gateways to meet your business needs. [1]

What is an operator?

Red Hat® OpenShift® Operators automate the creation, configuration, and management of instances of Kubernetes-native applications. Operators provide automation at every level of the stack—from managing the parts that make up the platform all the way to applications that are provided as a managed service. [2]

APIcast Operator

Hand-on 3scale APIcast installation using OpenShift Operator

Red Hat Integration – 3scale APIcast gateway
0.5.2+0.1649688685.p provided by Red Hat
3scale 2.11

Create new Access Tokens at 3scale admin portal

Navigate to the admin portal of 3Scale.
Go over Account Settings -> Personal -> Tokens
Then, create a new access token for each APIcast instance.

staging APIcast

  • name: apicast-staging-token
  • scopes: Account Management API
  • Permission: read-only
  • generated token: ef96ee0cfe89d242f00eecd5657089fabe4688e27943fc6e5fe569fb93f461ce

production APIcast

  • name: apicast-production-token
  • scopes: Account Management API
  • Permission: read-only
  • generated token: b473933a0cc128754a098af7694641a66c0cc64771dca0e0cf42e6a2d181e0b2


Deploy APICast

oc login --token=sha256~ooooo --server=https://api.ooooo.com:6443

oc new-project 3scale-apicast --description="3scale-apicast-demo" --display-name="3scale-apicast"

export APICAST_NS=3scale-apicast
export MANAGER_NS=3scale
export SYSTEM_PROVIDER_URL=$(oc get route | grep system-provider | awk '{print $2}')
export STG_TOKEN=ef96ee0cfe89d242f00eecd5657089fabe4688e27943fc6e5fe569fb93f461ce
export PRD_TOKEN=b473933a0cc128754a098af7694641a66c0cc64771dca0e0cf42e6a2d181e0b2

oc create secret generic admin-apicast-staging --from-literal=AdminPortalURL=https://$STG_TOKEN@$SYSTEM_PROVIDER_URL -n $APICAST_NS
oc create secret generic admin-apicast-production --from-literal=AdminPortalURL=https://$PRD_TOKEN@$SYSTEM_PROVIDER_URL -n $APICAST_NS

oc get secret -n $APICAST_NS | grep admin

-- optional (if using embedded configuration e.g. policies)
oc create -f apicast-staging-config-secret.yaml -n $PROJECT_NS
oc create -f apicast-production-config-secret.yaml -n $PROJECT_NS

Go over Operators -> OperatorHub and install the APIcast operator.

apicast-staging deployment

Go over APIcast tab at the previously installed APIcast operator and click on Create APIcast.
Select YAML view in Configure via: and paste the following yaml to create the APIcast staging gateway:

apiVersion: apps.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: APIcast
  name: staging
  namespace: 3scale-apicast
    app: apicast-staging
    staging: 'true'
  logLevel: debug
  responseCodesIncluded: true
  extendedMetrics: true
  cacheConfigurationSeconds: 0
  deploymentEnvironment: staging
    name: admin-apicast-staging
  loadServicesWhenNeeded: false
  workers: 1
  oidcLogLevel: info
  replicas: 1
  managementAPIScope: status
  configurationLoadMode: lazy
  httpsVerifyDepth: 1

apicast-production deployment

Repeat the same steps for apicast-production gateway using the following example:

apiVersion: apps.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: APIcast
  name: production
  namespace: 3scale-apicast
    app: apicast-production
    production: 'true'
  logLevel: debug
  responseCodesIncluded: true
  extendedMetrics: true
  cacheConfigurationSeconds: 300
  deploymentEnvironment: production
    name: admin-apicast-production
  loadServicesWhenNeeded: false
  workers: 1
  oidcLogLevel: error
  replicas: 1
  managementAPIScope: status
  configurationLoadMode: boot
  httpsVerifyDepth: 1

PS. If you remove the APIcast object from the APICast operator, the secret admin-apicast-* will be removed from the namespace.

Create APICast staging and production routes

Go over admin portal at 3Scale and create a new API Product using the following routes for staging and production:

staging route

export WILDCARD_DOMAIN=apps.wkshop.rhbr-lab.com
export APICAST_NS=3scale-apicast
oc delete route api-apicast-staging -n $APICAST_NS
oc create route edge api-apicast-staging --service=apicast-staging --port=proxy --hostname=api-apicast-stg.$WILDCARD_DOMAIN --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=None -n $APICAST_NS

production route

export WILDCARD_DOMAIN=apps.wkshop.rhbr-lab.com
export APICAST_NS=3scale-apicast
oc delete route api-apicast-production -n $APICAST_NS
oc create route edge api-apicast-production --service=apicast-production --port=proxy --hostname=api-apicast.$WILDCARD_DOMAIN --insecure-policy=Allow --wildcard-policy=None -n $APICAST_NS

Test: apicast routes

You can open the previously created routes in the browser. You should see the message Authentication parameters missing

Optional: Operator route management

PS. These routes can be created using a tls secret at APICast operator configuration. Using this approach, these routes become managed by the operator itself.


apiVersion: apps.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: APIcast
    host: api-apicast-stg.apps.wkshop.rhbr-lab.com
      - secretName: api-tls-secret
          - api-apicast-stg.apps.wkshop.rhbr-lab.com

1- https://github.com/3scale/APIcast
2- https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/cloud-computing/openshift/what-are-openshift-operators#:~:text=Red%20Hat%C2%AE%20OpenShift%C2%AE,provided%20as%20a%20managed%20service.


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